Maybe for lack of anything better to do I will finally put in writing this 100 billion dollar dream that has so passionately ignited my soul and is daily shaping my life. There is a man I feel I must become. A man whose word is gold, a man whose confidence is a solid rock, a man whose heart is a fountain gushing with love for humanity, a man whose mind is a dry sponge ever eager to absorb and learn more, a man without limits other than his own nature, a man who can make miracles happen, a man who is daily changing the world we live in and that we’ll leave to our kids for the better. I feel a necessity to assimilate the lessons of the ancient stoic philosophers who teach us to love nature, to be happy living by the law which her benevolent hand has written into who and what we are. And while chasing money, fame, and power, never forget that those are merely Ithacas, remember the timeless wisdom of Cavafy when he cautions us to live as much as we can while journeying so that no destination, no matter how barren, shall ever dampen our spirit. Time and again, a humbling idea comes home to brood, namely, that money is merely a means to an end and not the end itself. We crave money not for what it is but because of the possibilities and opportunities to do things and live differently. I hope you find a way to live right now even as you await other things to fall in place so you can live as you dream.

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