The beholding soul opens up its heart and lets the Grace of God and Faith in Christ be its guide. Knowing that it can never again go astray, it is no longer afraid of sudden failure or destruction; it no longer tries to appease the false gods of fate or destiny or chance. It trusts that, henceforth, wherever its step shall fall will be exactly where God intended. Then Christ seeing a warrior who would unquestioningly obey in the midst of battle moves into this warrior’s heart and rebuilds his Father’s kingdom in there. And so it is that a warrior of Faith is a heaven unto themselves, for the Kingdom of God is within them and Christ himself sits on the throne of their hearts and guides their step everyday. Their spirit is jubilant out of being in constant communion with its maker, and their actions and speech betray the joy in their heart. All those who interact with them leave with a feeling of having being in the presence of something divine. The love that God within manifests outwardly from the warrior cannot help but touch everything around, and nothing fails to notice when touched by the love of God. Train yourselves to be this warrior — all worthy warriors are made out of training — train yourself to carry and communicate this agape love and see how the things and people you deal with change. Difficult work becomes easy when done with absolute love; annoying people become tolerable when loved as God loves them; boring life becomes a treasure when treated as special as its giver lovingly made it to be; difficult challenges become valuable stepping stones if open-handedly welcomed for what God made them to be — training grounds to perfect your warrior skills. 

There’s a verse in the 82nd Psalm that says ‘You are gods! Sons of the Most High…’. Perhaps it’s time you started acting so, started to love like God, started to perform miracles. Start to tell the mountains of challenges, and obstacles, and difficulties in your path to go drown in the ocean. Command them to leave you to glorify your Father by the height of your accomplishments. It’s time to use all the warrior skills you have accumulated in your journey of Faith and to call upon the others placed within  you that you haven’t even tapped into yet. 

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